Contemplating the next step

This season at the Winter Equestrian Festival has been great for the MMT store. We have done as well as can be expected. The only downside is the cost of being at the horse show! There are pros and cons of course. The show was a great place to meet new customers and establish ourselves as the go-to place for children’s clothing on the grounds.
What I am wondering about now is what is next for us. We are planning to go to the Old Salem Farm Charity Horse Shows and the Hampton Classic. My question is how to fill the gaps. The logical option would be to go online. The logistics of that are a bit daunting, but I think it may be the way to go. I am scared to be swimming out to sea in the world wide web. Eeek.
I am looking for any and all advice regarding starting up an online store. Scary and exciting all at once xxxx

One of “those” days, weeks, months…

One of the downsides of being in one place for so long, are the ruts that we can fall into. Even though I told you a few weeks ago that this is my favorite time of year (which it undoubtably is)…it is very hard to keep things fresh when you are living in a “Groundhog Day” type scenario. The inevitable WEF exhaustion seems to be setting in across the board as I look around me at the show grounds.  The horses are tired of jumping the same jumps in the same rings and the riders are just tired of the incredible demands a circuit like this puts upon them. Personally, I wish that we could just push pause on the whole thing so I could feel like I am able to get everything done and still enjoy this time here.

I have so many days down here where I literally forget to stop and take a break. Just for five minutes. Today, at one point, I could feel all of the stress literally tightening in my back. I went to get adjusted by my chiropractor and left there a different person. Sometimes it just takes  stepping back for a few minutes to have to perspective you need to make it through the day a happy person. For me being adjusted can literally change the course of my day. You just have to find little, healthy ways to release the stress. I have started packing little snacks and always having a big bottle of water with me. It sounds extreme but sometimes spending the day at the show grounds can feel like an episode of “Survivor”.

At the end of each day, no matter how stressful or frusting it may have been, getting to come home to a happy little girl puts everything in perspective.

Till next time…..xxxxxx